Tag Archives: bed

Go For Launch

I see the clock, upon that wall,
It’s moving hands, reveals my chance,
No time to wait, make hast my waist,
Side steps the flocks, my focus now locked.

I’ll set the pace, and make them ace,
This life of one, all high and fun,
Too late to fail, twice lived in veins,
Hands high and wide, hope feels so real.

Sight starts to fade, just one more take,
Friends old and gone, age seems to bet,
Skin fralie and loose, face shaped like goose,
Cast love aside, take aim and pride.

All cause we did, youth like a treat,
Lived fast and wide, seek fame and bye,
Chase dreams within, time set to lift,
All good to launch, yourself indeed.

By Julius Fa

My Shelter

My bed

It’s just a bed, so some may say, that truth is real, to me it’s more.

It’s the safety net that keeps me sane, the shelter that boasts my brain.

It’s happiness and comfort when I feel down, can heal the wounds this world dishes out.

It holds me tight and feels so right, it is my delight and Friend when all seems lost.

I’ll find my way back home, just to be with you.

By Julius Fa

© March 2020