An Opera You’ll See.


This is the stage, you soon will page,
Your masterpieces, of love in age,
The cast you’ll pick, the set you’ll vet,
It is your story, so take your glory.

The seats will fill, to see this bill,
The songs they sing, they’re forced to think,
Your life mirrored back, the trails you stacked,
The years unkind to humankind.

The dark and light, the mood still swings,
The task to write, this opera delights,
Your cheerful heart, prepares for light,
Release the pain, before the rain.

The scenes roll on, the crowd are fond,
This rage you sown, has found their home,
A love too proud, to me unsound,
The fate of lovers, prepared to fall out.

The shade of red, mixed in this bed,
They lie as two, their love not one,
The ore of beauty undone by duty,
Was love so blind? Your opera inclined.

By Julius Fa
© 2012

I’m Outta Here.


It’s not like me, to seat and wait,
There’s things to do and life to school,
The thought of you, begins to fuel,
The pain in rear, you need to bear.

You seem so smart, when faced with much,
You shine your smile, to get your way,
I keep the miles, between our desks,
You faked your charm, so eat your cake.

You try to be, the talk of town,
Your long weekends, bring frowns of grim,
You seem so bright, they sat with rights,
I see your tools, to con these fools.

I’m not the same, I have a brain,
So close your month, I need to shout,
You look like weed, I’m not your seed,
Don’t look at me, your games too wild.

So on this day, I had to say,
“Just shut your mouth,” before you count,
The shame you brought, to this law firm,
I rose and left, your empty seat.

By Julius Fa
© 2012